Granite Creek Community Church Volunteer Application
Please Read Over Our Core Team Values:
Humility - I will be fully engaged with all who come across my path, not thinking more highly of myself than I ought to. I will be open to constructive feedback, listen fully, and seek out better ideas. I will ask how I can help. How can I hope? How can I honor?
Servanthood - I will serve with joy whomever and wherever needed even if outside my area of giftedness or defined role.
Holiness - I will pursue Christlikeness in every area of my life.
Equipping - I will recruit, train, and equip others to do the work of ministry while serving alongside of them.
Passion - I will exhibit a "Whatever It Takes!" attitude at all times. I will actively pursue solutions and demonstrate a love for what I do by working hard for the Lord.
Emotional Intelligence - I will be conscious of my own emotions and manage them in a way that is honoring, respectful, and productive to others. I will exercise common sense by saying and doing things that have a positive outcome on those around me.
Unity - I will conduct myself in a manner that builds, protects, and promotes the unity of my church. I believe that unity is essential to fulfilling our vision. I will resolve conflict directly, quickly, and in a Christ-like manner.
Gratitude - I will choose to be thankful and consider it a privilege to be doing God’s work with the team at Granite Creek Community Church.
I authorize all corporations, companies, employers, former employers, landlords, credit agencies, educational institutions, law enforcement agencies, city, state, county and federal courts, branches of military service, and persons to release information they may have about me to the organization with which this form has been filed or their agent, and I hold harmless and release all parties involved from any liability and responsibility for doing so. I also authorize the procurement of an investigative consumer report and understand that it may contain information about my background, mode of living, character, and personal reputation. This authorization, in original or copy form, shall be valid for this and any future reports or updates that may be requested. Further information may be available upon written request within a reasonable period of time.
I understand that my volunteer service is conditioned on the successful passage of a criminal background check and that my volunteer service will be predicated upon the truthfulness of my written and verbal statements and information derived through the background investigation process. I further understand that if it is determined that any statement – verbal or written – or other information provided by me is not truthful, any volunteer service opportunity extended to me may be withdrawn and, if already volunteering, I may be removed from volunteer service.
I understand this Volunteer Application is solely for purposes of volunteer service and is not to be construed as an offer of or consideration for employment now or in the future. Additionally, I understand that if I am selected for volunteer service, my continued volunteer service is at the sole discretion of Granite Creek Community Church and that I may be removed from volunteer service for any of a multitude of reasons or for no specific reason at all at the sole discretion of Granite Creek Community Church. My service as a volunteer does not constitute any form of contract – implied or expressed – and my volunteer service may be terminable at-will either by myself or by Granite Creek Community Church at any time.
I acknowledge that I have read all the above statements and that I understand them.
I consent to sharing the above information in accordance with the privacy policy.
Granite Creek Community Church | 1580 N Claremont Blvd Claremont, CA 91711 | (909) 625-4455