Ministries at Granite Creek

Ministries are the heart of what we do and who we are at Granite Creek!

Serve others: Ministries are a way to serve God and others by spreading the message of Jesus Christ. This can be done through preaching, volunteering, or leading a congregation.

Build relationships: Ministries help people develop relationships with each other and with the church. Small groups can help people feel a sense of belonging and strengthen the church.

Foster discipleship: Ministries teach and train others in the Bible and practical theology. The goal is to create mature believers who can disciple others.

Provide support: Ministries offer care, help, and support to people in need, such as those who are sick, old, or experiencing financial difficulties.

Honor God: Excellence in ministry honors God and inspires people.

Share the faith: Ministries share the message of faith with the broader community.

Growth Groups

Growth Groups are a place to develop meaningful relationships, be in an environment of discipling and nurturing, have a testing ground to develop leadership skills, and a place to hold each other accountable to God, as we provide a safe place for people to know God in a deeper way and be known by others in the group.

Growth Groups offer a safe place to connect with other believers in fellowship. Our purpose is simple - to grow in our understanding of God and our role in His plan for our life. It is our firm belief that life change happens best in community. We believe that when people gather in groups with a shared mission to pursue God, to love one another, and to serve others, God tends to show up and do amazing things!

There are many types of groups, and room for more ideas. There are Bible Study Groups, Men’s Groups, Women’s Groups, Interest Groups, Marriage Groups and Events, and topical studies. Many of our groups choose a topic, and meet for 7 - 12 weeks, depending on the area of study.

Click Here to See Our Currently Active Growth Groups

Men's Ministry

Join other guys weekly for reading a chapter of Luke and discussion at Granite Creek (except 2nd Saturday of the month).

Saturday Morning Men's Group, Saturdays, 7:30 - 8:30am

Led by Men's Ministry Director Marc Van Den Vrijhoef.

Men's Group helps over at the KidCare Food Bank, 1200 N. Campus Ave. in Upland, meeting at 7:00am, every 2nd Saturday of the month. You are welcome to join us!

Questions? Contact Marc at [email protected].

Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry offers many groups, studies, and events throughout the year.

Please check our Ministry Calendar for currently active Women's Ministry events!

Women! Join us as we give out food to needy families at the Food Bank in Upland on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Meet at the KidCare Food Bank at 7:00am, 1200 N. Campus Ave. in Upland.

Questions? Email Jennifer Jones at [email protected].

Family Ministry

Granite Creek's Vision is to see families transformed by Heaven, so we focus our ministries on strengthening the family unit.

We equip families with tools that feed the mind, body, soul and spirit. We offer practical classes and workshops on premarital, marriage and parenting.

In addition, we encourage families to grow in the Spirit through prayer, worship and the practice of the Spiritual gifts.

Click to Request Family Counseling with Pastor Michael.

Marriage Ministry

Our Marriage Alive! Ministry offers classes, groups, and fun events to help and encourage marriages and families.

Marriage Alive Ministry Team:

Marc & Michelle VanDenvrijhoef

Ed & Leslie Hoffman

Email [email protected] for more information!

"Above all, constantly echo God’s intense love for one another, for love will be a canopy over a multitude of sins." - 1 Peter 4:8

We also offer Pre-Marital Counseling and utilize a helpful pre-marital inventory as part of our counseling for those considering marriage.

Young Adults Ministry

Open to all young adults ages 18-26 who are looking to build community! We meet upstairs in the youth room.

Each week, we will have an ice breaker activity, and then study the Bible together through a time of lesson and discussion.

Every 2nd & 4th Sunday 5:30-7:30 pm

Follow us on Instagram @granitecreek.youngadults

We often have hangouts outside of the church on our off campus Sundays. Follow us to find out what's next!

Kairos Youth Ministry

Kairos Youth Group - Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm

Youth Group includes 7-12th grade students. We meet upstairs in our youth room. Service will end at 8:00 but students are welcome to hang out afterwards. Youth Wednesday schedule is subject to change.

Follow us on Instagram @kairosgcy

Facebook @kairosGCY

Join Text Updates! Text @kairosinfo to 81010

Junior High & Froshmore Study - Sundays at 10:00am

Open to 7th - 10th grade students (9-10th also have the option to remain in our youth section in the Sanctuary)

Worship in the Sanctuary with the main service, then we head upstairs together for our lesson and game time.

Youth Section in the Sanctuary

Join us downstairs in the sanctuary for main service in our youth section as we connect with our church family in "big church!" 9th-12th grade students sit together on the back left side.

Granite Creek Kids

At Granite Creek, kids are a priority. We partner with you to help your kids grow up to love God and love others!

K-6th Grades gather upstairs on Sundays at 10 am. Nursery/Pre-K classes are located downstairs across from the Sanctuary.

We use Orange Curriculum and you and your kids will love it!

Subscribe to the Parent Cue App and receive helpful weekly tips and emails with fun things like conversation starters, cool stories, and funny videos tailored to YOUR child's age.

We are here to champion and support you. You are a huge influence in your child's life!

Far Outpost Live! Unique live performances by Granite Creek's Creative Puppet Ministry. Join Children's Pastor Sara Frias with Skyler, Teaky, and the Tree Weasels in new Sunday lessons for your kids each week.

Check us out at the Far Outpost YouTube Channel!

Healing Ministry

"And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven." - James 5:15

We believe in healing and the power of prayer, and want you to know that you are loved and that you are not alone.

Share a Prayer Need With Our Pastoral Staff

Granite Creek Community Church | 1580 N Claremont Blvd Claremont, CA 91711 | (909) 625-4455